Wealth Habits

Created to help you develop the long term habits of the wealthy.

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  • 14 Audios in All
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Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

I am so excited about the Financial Fitness Program! We just wrote the final check for one of our loans and so far in this process, that makes it over $24,000 worth of consumer debt that we’ve been able to pay off just by applying the principles we’ve learned. We still have a ways to go, but this has made such a dent in our debtreduction program! I just want to encourage everybody to stick with it! Even if it’s inch-by-inch, just by applying these principles, we’re beginning to see that the power of compounding is working in our favor.
Jean Tuomala

After I graduated from college, I had over $32,000 of student loan debt, $3,000 of credit card debt and zero money in savings. I started the Financial Fitness Program and have since gotten rid of the credit card debt, learned to pay myself first and I am on track to paying off all my student loan debt in the next 2 years. Thank you to the Financial Fitness Program for getting me on track to a better future.
Elizabeth Zmudzinski

Wealth Habits Series

$120.00 (USD)
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